
Showing posts from March, 2020

Do Line Moves Matter?

Do Line Moves Matter? As long as I've been reading about "apps" and guys going to March Madness, I have heard about these guys who believe very strongly in "line shopping".   This is the concept of ensuring you find the best "value" for your bet.  The theory is why bet $5 on Duke to cover 26 points in the first round at William Hill when you can bet $5 on Duke to cover 25 points in the first round at CG Sports.    There are guys who are splitting their bankroll over a few different places so they can pick which line they want to play.    This kinda arbitrage seems silly to me for the purposes of bankroll.   Having to have significant extra money layed out that you won't ever play just to keep the option of shaving off a hook here or there.   Seems a pain to manage reporting and/or even the need to quickly get a bet in etc. But before you had the guys shopping lines, you had the guys trying to bet on a prediction of the lines...